Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Drinking on cheap bottles o' wine...

Hello, hello. I know it's been a while since we've last spoken, but I've been pretty busy with a lot of things. New Music, shall we?

Dance Tonight--Paul McCartney

Such a fun song. I remember when I first heard it and I actually felt like it was kind of annoying. Then, my mother downloaded it onto her own iPod...and I immediately requested that song be played constantly in my presence. I am the Princess you know...

Anyway, now that I've played it unceasingly except for The Script for the past three days, I've had the opportunity to really listen to the music of the song. It's a simplistic melody, but the message and lyrics are straightforward: everybody will throw their boots in the air and get drunk.

Just kidding. Just listen to the song here.

For The First Time--The Script

...Now that I write that, it must look like the subject of the song is to...lose something personal. Hmmm. Was that intended? I hope not.

It's definitely a beautiful song that pertains to how we start out with another person and try to make it work in this economy. Plus, it's Bono's daughter in the video....when did THAT happen?

The song's catchy too, and honestly, I kind of thought the oo's were a little annoying; actually, they're still annoying.

I Feel Pretty/Unpretty--Glee Cast

LOVE LOVE LOVE this song. Just got it today, actually.No offense to TLC, but I can actually understand the lyrics. Plus a mash-up with a a known Broadway hit? I'll take it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Two Subject Wednesday: Manners and New Music

FYI, this probably wont be a weekly thing (the two subjects that is), but it sounded like a great title, so there.

I have a friend. She is awesome I'll have you know, and she posted something about manners on Facebook. You can read what she wrote here (seriously, it's almost as awesome as she is).  At the end she asked what other people thought about what she wrote, and I think that it makes a lot of sense. I've done some of the things she's posted though. I cannot lie. Just the culture I guess. It's second nature at this point; we've all done it. But seriously, read it. Good stuff.

I asked her permission to borrow her idea. Therefore, since she did Facebook, I thought that I would do just the plain old Internet--condensed though; I can't do everything, you see. I'm only human.There are some things that Poops mentions that I've elaborated on, such as the second bullet, and I'd like to say that they were hers first. I am just agreeing.  Before I get going, I would like to say that these things are probably not for anyone who is not in my generation or younger. I'm not going to call you old, but you're a lot wiser and didn't have computers like I did, therefore needed to know how to spell, capitalize, cite, and proofread better than any of my fellow Generation-X and -Yers (hehe, wires). You were taught well.

  • For the love of all things that are holy, please do not capitalize whole words unless you want to emphasize them. When I see capital letters, I imagine the person who is talking TO BE SHOUTING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS TRYING TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THINGS IN THIS WORLD DO NOT ADD UP! EXPECT 2012 TO BE YOUR LAST YEAR ON EARTH! Annoying, isn't it? If you have access to making letters bold or italicized, use that. You don't want to sound angry and bitter.
  • If YoU tHiNk YoU'rE cOoL dOiNg ThIs.....You're not. I can't even read that and I was the one who wrote it.
  • Learn some grammar. Seriously. I understand that when you're in school, and you are learning grammar in language arts class; it's wicked boring, I get it. But getting absolutely no respect from your peers because you can't spell or use the right tenses is kind of a let down as you get older.  This brings me to this next one:
    • Proofread and spell correctly, please. Spell checker cannot catch everything. If you don't agree, watch this. Heck, if you do agree watch it and pass it on.  Learn to spell correctly. It's important. If you don't, you look like someone who needs to go back to the fourth grade.
  • Think about your audience. Your grandmother is on Facebook. I understand she posts that she's now going to brush the cat, but what would she say if you were swearing left and right in a status that you post. She has the ability to comment saying how disappointed she is in you and even though you may delete her comment, people know that you've been chewed out by your grandmother; on Facebook. And no, I don't want to know that you've just had sex; neither does your mother. Do you really want to go down that road?
      • Not all people know what ttfn means (unless you're a Tigger fan like I am), or wytbw...what ARE you talking about Willis? Other than "lol," "btw" or "omg" on your status update, I don't want to see it. Neither does anyone else.  Texting language is for texting and instant messaging only; not emails, status updates, or comments. Teens and tweens used to use that to make sure their parents didn't understand what they were talking about. News Flash: Parents now know what their teens are talking about. Get over it.
      • Tweets are different, in my opinion. I think that minor texting language is okay, your tweet shouldn't be filled with it though. After all, you only have 140 characters. Just make sure that the texting language you use is universal.
  • Emails are more formal than a comment or post. No, if you're emailing any of your immediate family or friends, you don't need to have an actual format for your email, but anyone else, you do. Again, think of your audience here: employers, co-workers, professors, etc.
  • Big announcements online need to be told to your family before you tell the whole world; a phone call or a private email--not a message on your preferred social network. The fam needs to know before you post that you're pregnant or engaged or if you've got Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (wiki that...). The rest of your friends can comment on Facebook about your recent big announcement after that. Don't be cheesy and have Aunt Frankie ask why she wasn't one of the first to know.
 Okay, now that I have said my peace, I would like to talk about the new song I just downloaded. Besides my obsession with all things Twilight or Glee related, I am also semi-obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. They just had their "Music Event."  

Just to bring you up to speed, there are these two docs named Arizona and Callie, both are lesbians. They were in a relationship but then broke up, where Callie slept with her best friend, Mark. She got pregnant. Arizona comes back, and all three are in this baby triangle. Then Arizona wants more commitment and asks Callie to marry her. Then they hit a truck. 

As a Grey's fan, I actually felt it was kind of a slap in the face to all the actors on that show. "Oh yeah, just one thing about this next episode, you'll be singing to get the ratings back up. And by the way, there's going to be a scene where everyone is going to have sex and sing about sunshine while pregnant Callie (and baby of course) is fighting to survive after going through a car windshield.  kthnx! See you at the office party!" Honestly, if it was just Callie singing in the episode, it would've been perfect. But it royally sucked.

What's this have to do with a song? Well, as Callie is waking up at the end (duh...that's a given), her ghost or something is singing "The Story" by Brandi Carlile trying to wake herself up so she can say yes to a crying Arizona. I had never paid attention to the song before; mainly because I don't like Brandi Carlile's voice. There was a line that I really paid attention to, and if you pay attention to my updates on Facebook, you've probably seen it: 
And all the friends who think I'm blessed, they don't know I'm in this mess. No they don't know who I really am, and they don't know what I've been through, like you do
Yeah, I know, I'm over dramatic. I get it. But that is Jake for me; he gets me like no one else can. He knows me better than I know myself. He's patient and understanding, and he doesn't care if I have Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis or not. He knows what I've been through more than anyone, even the parents. He's the one I want to tell my stories to for the rest of my life. 
Plus Sara Ramirez completely rocked the song. Epically. She was the original Lady of the Lake in Spamalot. She won a Tony. She is awesome. 

Thoughts? Additions to the list?

Friday, April 1, 2011

This took me three days to write. Literally.

I really feel the need to blog, and I came up with doing a Top Ten list, but I don't want it to feel like a facebook status, so I'm going to elaborate the list a bit.

Oh, and by the way, I'm listening to my "Sleep" playlist, and at the moment the song is "All At Sea" by Jamie Cullum. Can I just say that this song is really one of the theme songs of my life. No, I take that back; it's not really a theme song to my life. It's more of what I want to be a theme song to my life. The song is about just leaving the world behind and just sitting by the sea, and needing to "disappear within your mind" as the song says. OOH it changed to "Home to Me" by Josh Kelley. Sorry Jamie, Josh kind of takes precedent over you.

You are probably wondering what my Top Ten list will be about, and to be honest, it will probably be the first ten different things that come to my brain. Also, I think it'll turn out to be more of who I think I am at this point in my life. HO-KAY, so ve go....

1. My favorite musical is Wicked. No. It's not because I live in New England; it's not because Idina Menzel  won a Tony for her role (just in case you were wondering, I would do something crazy like spend $3,000 for just a chance to meet her). The story is really well done, the music is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, and the ending is definitely not a 'happily ever after' however it is fantastically done. There was an interview that Idina gave where she said that she felt a lot of what Elphaba felt, and she played her the way Elphie felt that day; whether she felt beautiful or if she felt like the ugliest "terror." Maybe that doesn't make sense; she said it more eloquently than I did. Anyway, I love the character of Elphie, and my heart tugs whenever life pulls her down.

2.  I am extremely lucky to have two wonderful parents who love me unconditionally. They have supported me through my over dramatic outbursts, and I am 378% grateful for them. I think subconsciously I've known this all my life, and I never really went through a huge rebellious stage in my life. Hell, I balled my eyes out when they left me at college (and even now there's a ball in my throat thinking about it). We have a very deep connection to each other, and I think that's why I'm so afraid of the day I will lose them. No offense to anyone out there, but I haven't seen a connection like ours anywhere else. I love them so much.

3.  My favorite song, according to iTunes, is Never Think by Robert Pattinson. Yes. I'm that girl.

(Song changed to "I Saw You" by Josh Kelley)

4.  I miss driving to Raymond from St. Joe's. Those mornings were pure awesomeness in a normal day-to-day routine. If I couldn't find a good song on Q97.9, or Coast 93.1...there was an amazing Christian radio station that would play (get ready for this) two commercials an hour. Taking the shortcut (because the bridge was out) behind Wal-Mart and by Timmy Ho's (WHY IS IT GONE!?)....pure happiness. OH and Glee nights/movie nights; nights when I didn't have to worry about evil things like bills and the real world (MTV is SO off, I hate them.). I miss Maine.

5. One of my many dreams is to go see Vatican City. Maybe meet the Pope. Have him hear my confession (not even a long shot I know, but still wouldn't that be FANTASTIC!?). Ya know. But seriously, just to see St. Peter's would be amazing; it really would.

(Song changed to "Landing in London" by 3 Doors Down)

6.  Going with the dream theme (hehe), I wanna be a billionaire so friggin' bad: give some money to the Church, give money to the people who need it, buy a better house for my parents, pay off my student loans, see a bit of the world, buy a good house for a family and live happily ever after. I honestly wouldn't be spending it left and right for myself; I'd give it all least it wouldn't go to waste. Every cent would go to something that was worthy.

**A little side note about #7...I have two kinds of angry: the angry that I have when I can deal with the anger just by talking about it, and the angry that I don't know is anger until I've been crying for three weeks and thinking it's just PMS. Here's an example of each**

(Song changed to "Fields of Gold" by Eva Cassidy)

7. I'm realizing more and more these days that I'm a lot angrier than I used to be. It's like I'm a little kid again; like I'm not getting my way. My job isn't perfect by any means; it's actually pretty sucky, but I'm not going to get into why for the sheer fact that it pisses me off SO much that I can't talk about it without yelling and/or crying. I'm also angry about the fact that I would like to see my boyfriend more than twice a year. It's not his fault, and he knows that (I would hope he does). I am mad at the situation. It's no secret that he and I are practically married already, and I understand that neither of us are financially ready to settle down. But seriously? It really sucks that we can't be together. No....doesn't really totally blows. And I'm angry about it. Totally and completely irate, livid and every other synonym that means angry.

("Walk Right In" by Josh Kelley)

8. Forgiveness will set you free. To me, forgiveness is not only just "getting over" something that was done wrongly, but also starting over with that person; beginning a new chapter in your friendship or any other type of relationship. It really helps my students if they hear me say "I forgive you" after they apologize. I think it's important for kids to hear that. My mom said it to me whenever I said I was sorry for something, and it made me feel better, and I knew that she still loved me. There are, however, times when forgiveness doesn't fix the problem, and there are consequences to bring things back to normal. An example would be: Sam, one of my students, refuses to do any more work on his project and as I explain that he agreed ten minutes ago (when he started) that he would do the work, then throws a ball at my face, the consequence is getting sent to the office and getting suspended for the next day because he hurt a teacher. He apologizes to me and I forgive him. Does that take the consequence away? No.  **The events are true. Names are fictional.

9. I miss Feeney Players. I want to sing and act on stage again. If I wasn't so busy with work and I actually HAD time to audition for the Community Players, I would sooooooo do it in a New York minute.

("Iko Iko" by Dixie Cups...makes me want to dance...okay, that lasted as long as I wrote the number 10, so it's not "Close Your Eyes" by Westlife...gosh this song is making me teary right now.)

10. The last thing I would like to say is that even though this time in my life may feel so long, I know that my life will change for the better soon. I have to know that; I don't think I could go through life thinking that it's bad forever. One of the things I took from my classroom management class is "positive and high expectations" for students, and for yourself. That's what I need to focus on; doing that may be a little trickier.