Friday, April 24, 2009

The Year Coming to an End

Another year went by. My junior year seemed to go by extremely slow, but extremely quick. Why both? First semester dragged, and second semester came WAY too soon. So I've decided to rack my brain and think about what I'

What I've learned:

  • You CAN write a unit in less than a week, but I would advise against it.
  • I ought to keep my mouth shut and just watch other people ruin their lives.
  • Friends come and go, but with a precious few, I need to hold on.
  • I need to get to know my parents more.
  • Middle school is NOT pour moi!
  • Support systems are a must, because if you don't have a support system, you're never going to get anything done
  • Classroom Management should have been a required class BEFORE our Math Internship.
  • Math is NOT my strong point, but I feel a lot more comfortable with teaching it now.
  • My character in the play is on crack.
  • Momma Mac is a better mom to Ursula than her own mother is. At least she doesn't faint in front of Conrad Birdie.
  • Do. Not. Panic.
  • I really want to go to New York sometime soon.
And the big realization of this semester:

I'm ready to teach!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome to Saint Joseph's High School!

Here, students preparing for the workforce learn the snobbiness, bitchiness, and cattiness needed to survive in New England.

You first start off with classes full of competition and sabotage, such as Biology or Chemistry. These classes are full of students who love to watch others fail. Students learn quickly that coffee is a must to get through the day, and frequently are rude to those who do not wish to partake in caffine. This is why we encourage drinking just coffee in classes!

The cafeteria, full of frenemies, is loaded with stuffy foods you would only find in the 5-star restaurants! Certainly there isn't any normal food around. What do you take us for?

At the lunch table, the rolling of eyes at others sitting with you is encouraged. Gossiping behind others' backs after they have left to get to their classes is common.

And on the weekends, feel free to stay on campus and partake in alcohol consumption. You never know whose room you will wake up in!

After long days making sure you're on top, you can semi-relax in individual torture rooms called dorms. You can converse with others who are in the same room with you, as well as hearing the thumps from above you indicating more than torture is ensuing.

Thank you for listening to my satire rant. I've had a really bad day. Yeah.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Oh, Spring Fling <3

Just a quick note.

So here I am in the Heff, "working" on my paper for Math class because I left my grid for my unit in my room and I'm too lazy to get it, while others are on a drinking spree, toppling over in drunkeness.

This is what happens: I get stressed, start to work, and then when I realize I don't have to, I stop working. :-) Yeah. I know I'm screwing myself over.

I found sources for my paper, and will probably start reading them so I can form my thesis,but I probably wont even start my paper today. I'm such a procrastinator.

Friday, April 17, 2009

No one really knows if she's drunk or if she's stoned...

Tonight, College Awards night is going on. I'm on the list of Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, so I'm being honored. My parents are coming up for it, and I'm just, well, humbled. I can't believe that I'm one of those students. I know that I should be gracious adn say thank you, but seriously...I shouldn't be honored like this. I mean, I'm grateful for the honored, but there are PLENTY of people who deserve it more than I do.

I got some good news today. My unit due date got pushed back to Friday!! That means I have a better chance of getting it done, AND I can prioritize better.

The play is going well, although we're all pretty worn out because of the energy. I don't think people have realized that they're putting a lot of physical energy into rehearsals because everyone that I've seen today looks exhausted. And they feel exhausted.

I think that's it, but I might blog later tomorrow (which is my GET TO WORK day) :-)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Heck, ya.

Wow, I'm finally on Blogger. I know, about time, right?

Okay, so I figured I'd name this blog "Overdramatic" because that's what I am. I take things too seriously, and I make mountains out of mole hills. Eh. It's my life.

I'm going to be complaining about my life for the rest of this blog. Just to let you know. It's probably the reason why I signed up for blogger now, in internship, then later on. I just have a lot to do, and I'm worrying.

I am wicked poor right now. I literally have 16 dollars in my bank account (like Erin Brockovich. I've always wanted to do that monologue in a play).

And that's another thing. I've been in plays since high school, and just once I want to be a dramatic character. I think I'd like to play someone who isn't funny. I need to get away from funny. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the part I have in the play, and I know that it's a good fit for me (I'm Ursula in Bye Bye Birdie.), but it's just that I want to get away from comedic performances for a while, and see if I can work with dramatic characters.

Umm let's see. I was the only one who failed a test yesterday. That felt great. I dented my car this morning.

I have a six-week unit that I've only done lesson plans for one week so far due, AND a 3-5 page paper due on the same day for different professors. Plus it's spring fling this weekend, so I'll be surrounded by drunks trying to get sex from other drunk people.

SO yeah. FML.

I feel better now.